Is LinkedIn still worth it?

Have you noticed LinkedIn has been stingy with its reach lately? I have.Engagement is good, even better. But there are not as many eyeballs on my content as I’d like.

But I’m not worried. My posts are still doing their thing. Bringing leads to me.

If your engagement per post, hasn’t slid down as steeply as reach it means your content is still good and if the right person sees it, it is still doing its job.

Don’t focus on the LinkedIn algorithm, focus on your people


LinkedIn told us what they are looking for. And it’s not about going viral.
LinkedIn’s Algorithm’s mantra is “People You Know, Talking About Things You Care About”.

Your connections and content relevance are what matter on LinkedIn

When you create a post, LinkedIn performs an initial check to weed out spam or low-quality content, so that’s where quality posts win the game.

After a post goes live, LinkedIn gauges how users interact – likes, shares, and comments. If these signs look encouraging, the post gets more invitations to more parties, aka news feeds.

Pushy promotions or spammy behaviours will have your post shown the door.

LinkedIn’s diligent bouncer, the spam control feature, ensures that only the good vibes stay.

You can’t win on LinkedIn unless you get social

React and Interact
Immediate interaction is the LinkedIn algorithm’s best friend.
Respond to comments immediately, and babysit your post once it goes live. Interact with others’ content too.
An active, engaged user gets a leg up. As do people with Creator Mode switched on.

Create quality, Interesting Content
Have you got something interesting and relevant up your sleeve? Post it! Conversational, thought-provoking content wins over the LinkedIn Algorithm.

On brand, personal, unique graphics to win attention
People love to do business with people, so show your face. The more people connect with you, the more likely they are to like you, trust you and ultimately work with you.
If not you, make sure the visuals that accompany your post are good quality and on brand.

Show up on the regular
Consistent posting signals an active profile on LinkedIn. This is a great lever to pull to raise your visibility. Messaging connections also count toward your activity. When you interact with someone in messages, both yours and their posts show up in your feed for at least two weeks.

Grow your network:  The wider your network, the wider your reach. Aim for at least five meaningful new connections a day.  I must admit, I’m not good at connecting with lots of people unless I specifically set out to do so. But I know when I do pay attention to growth, my business also grows.

Pay attention to your successful posts
LinkedIn has a long tail, so timing isn’t as important as other social channels, but if you’re going for engagement, think about when your audience is most likely to be active and post during the peak hours to catch high engagement. 

Is LinkedIn still worth it?

In one word – absolutely! LinkedIn is still a great place to hang out, make meaningful connections, and learn stuff.

Massive reach or virality is overrated in my opinion. You are better off focusing on your audience, business goals, and how you show up on LinkedIn.

So, what’s the take? LinkedIn is still going strong. It’s just reminding us to stay interesting, interactive, and invested in building genuine connections. Let’s continue to shake up the marketing world, one post at a time. Happy marketing!

Psst. I’ll let you in on a secret
The people who are killing it on LinkedIn have a strategy. They know their game plan. They understand what their audience needs. And they show up all the time. But not to scroll. They intentionally show up to engage.

Want in on that? Hit me up for your LinkedIn Game Plan.

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Ready to get those marketing tasks off your to-do-list and onto mine?

Get your LinkedIn Game Plan sorted, so you don’t have to worry about the algorithm ever again. 

About the Author

Rebecca Cofrancesco is an experienced marketing strategist and content creator.

She works with professional services brands and offers freelance services without the overhead of a full-time employee.



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