Marketing Activation Days

For those times when you just need it done!

Mobile phone with marketing activities bursting out of it.

Activate your marketing without wasting another minute wondering if you're working on the right things or being frustrated trying to do it all yourself.
Let's tailor a Marketing Activation Day to transform your marketing in days, not months.

Get a jumpstart on your marketing

Lock in a Marketing Activation day/s

Are you a thriving service business owner drowning in to-dos, with marketing forever
stuck at the bottom of the list? 

Tired of wearing all the hats and juggling everything, but seeing your marketing efforts go nowhere fast?

You’re not alone. The hardest thing about being a business owner is knowing where to focus your attention. 

As everything is urgent right? 

Why spend time doing things you don’t love or that someone else could do better and faster? 

Imagine clearing your marketing to-do list in just a day, not months.
That would be frick’n amazing right? 

Say hello to an Activation Day! Where the focus is on getting things done that move the dial in your business.

Sydney Content Strategist working with a client

Why Activation Days

Things Get Done

Marketing Activation Days are your fast track from overwhelm to clear, actionable strategies—complete with done-for-you execution.
No more kicking tasks down the road. Kickstart your marketing, ignite your sales engine, and have clients come to you.
Every session is unique and combines strategic thinking, marketing coaching and getting things done.

Fast Track your efforts

You're ambitious, successful, and ready to delegate what you don't enjoy or have time for. You value professional marketing help and are eager for tangible results that don't drain your wallet or your patience.
If time, expertise, and resource constraints sound all too familiar, it's time to get help.

Why Me?

Because I get it. I've been you. On both sides of the fence, trying to work with a consultant and being a business owner who wants momentum to get things happening.
My unique, hands-on Activation Days are designed to get you exactly what you need. No waiting, no endless back-and-forth. We laser-focus on your needs and get it done.
My blend of strategy and execution know-how means we're not just talking the talk. We're doing the work too.

It gets Results

Your business deserves marketing that works as hard as you do.
From feeling stuck and overwhelmed to embracing a clear, actionable path.
From vague, generic messaging to sharp, compelling copy that resonates with your audience.
It's time for your marketing to shine. An activation day will speed up your progress.

Customers reviews

The experience speaks for itself

"I'm all in for my bi-annual Activation Day. It's hands-down the best strategy day out there."
Kylie Kapeleris
Leadership, human design and business consultant
At the end of day, I had a clear idea of what my website needed, what to include in my sales pitch, and how to use LinkedIn to generate leads.
Nicole Watts
Nicole Watts Design

Invest in your business

Each day includes pre-work and research needed to start your project

Think Tank Day

Brainstorm, ideate and plan

$ 1555
  • Briefing Call
  • Tailored Strategy Session
  • Action Plan
  • Workshop Notes Documented - Add $500

Activation Day

1 Day

$ 2500
  • Clarity Call
  • Agreed Activity Plan
  • 8.30 am - 4 .30 pm Work Day
  • Mid-Day Check In
  • + 2 hours post session for revisions/check in

Activation Accelerator

3 dedicated days

$ 5200
  • Day 1: Strategy, brand positioning
  • Agreed Activity Plan
  • 2 Activation Days
  • 8.30am -4.30 pm workday (or four half days)
  • MidPoint Check-Ins
  • Deliverable Review and Check-In
  • Follow Up

How it works

  1. Initial Clarity Call

    • Description: Book your complimentary Discovery Call. This 15-minute chat lets us pinpoint your marketing pain points and discuss how an Activation Day could help your business and helps me understand what your priorities should be.

      Goal: To ensure we’re the perfect fit and to sketch out potential deliverables that will most benefit your business.

  2. Booking (pay upfront) and Pre-Work

    • Description: Once you decide to proceed, you’ll select a date for your Activation Day and we’ll have a briefing session via zoom. This step ensures we hit the ground running, focusing precisely on what matters most to your business.  I usually spend half a day to a day getting to know your business before we run a Marketing Activation Day.

    • Goal: To gather all necessary information about your business, understand your marketing goals, and plan for a productive Activation Day.

  3. Activation Day Agreement

    • Description: We’ll confirm the deliverables and outcomes you can expect from your Activation Day. This agreement outlines our game plan and sets clear expectations, ensuring we’re aligned on your marketing activation goals.
      You may be required to be on hand during the day to check in or clarify brand questions.
    • Goal: To agree on a roadmap for your Activation Day or Blast, detailing specific targets and outcomes.
  4. Activation Day(s)

    • Description: This is where the magic happens. Over our agreed time (1 or 3 Days), I dive deep into your marketing needs—strategising, crafting, and executing. Expect a day filled with breakthroughs, action, and real-time results.
    • Goal: To kickstart your marketing, refine your messaging, update your digital presence, and create actionable plans—all within a few focused days.
  5. Review and Refine

    • Description: After your Activation Day, we spend an additional 2 hours reviewing the progress. This session is crucial for tweaking any elements and ensuring that everything aligns perfectly with your vision and goals.
    • Goal: To polish and perfect the deliverables, ensuring everything is set to drive your business forward effectively.
  6. Follow-Up

    • Description: You’re not just a date in the calendar. After our Activation Day and Review Session, expect a follow-up call. To see if it’s working, what could be tweaked or if you need more support.
    • Goal: To guarantee satisfaction and support the seamless integration of your new marketing strategies.


What's a marketing activation day?

A Marketing Activation Day is a dedicated, turbo-charged session designed to kickstart your marketing efforts. It’s focused on getting tangible marketing tasks done—from strategy development to implementing clear, actionable steps and even crafting done-for-you copywriting. Think of it as your fast track from being overwhelmed and unsure to having a clear marketing direction and execution in just one day.

Who's a Marketing activation day for?

It’s for business owners who feel stuck and overwhelmed by their marketing tasks. Whether you’re wearing too many hats, lacking in-house expertise, or simply don’t have the time to focus on marketing, a Marketing Activation Day provides professional guidance and execution to move your marketing forward in a short amount of time.

Do I need to do anything before the marketing activation day?

Yes, preparation is key to making the most out of your Activation Day. Once booked, we do a briefing call to map out what you need and I’ll ask you to share background information relevant to the job. 
I usually spend up to a day before the session getting to know your business so I’m good to go! This helps pinpoint your marketing needs, allowing us to maximize our day together. Additionally, booking a clarity call before committing to an Activation Day ensures we’re perfectly aligned from the get-go.

What can I expect to get done?

No two sessions are alike, but you can be assured that your session is designed to get you what you need. 
Deliverables vary but they can range from a refined marketing strategy, updated website copy, a content creation plan, to execution plans for particular campaigns.
My goal is to provide you with tangible outcomes that benefit your business immediately.

How is this different to other services

One word – speed.
An Activation Day is intensely focused and action-oriented, designed for immediate impact. You still get my marketing brain and expertise but it’s supercharged and highly focused. Where I only work on your stuff.
An Activation Day is perfect for businesses seeking rapid transformation and clarity in their marketing efforts without long-term commitment.

What happens if we can't get everything done?

We agree on what needs to happen before the day begins, but if for some reason the scope changes or there is more to do than we first imagined, we book in another session.
Because I’ve been doing this a long time, I’m pretty speedy and have a good handle on how long things take.

sydney based marketing goodness

You can Borrow my marketing Brain to make ideas happen

Who am I?
I’m Beck, an idea wrangler who can take your jumbled thoughts and turn them into logical pathways, pull the ‘gold’ from your brain to turn into relatable copy, and come up with the strategy to make it happen.

Naturally curious, I stay on top of trends and tools that make your life easier.

With 25 + years of marketing communications experience under my skirt, I’m known for idea sparking, engaging, authentic ‘oh, that’s so me’ words and guiding you to online success. 

My super power is helping you clarify your message, know where to focus and streamline your marketing efforts and show you how to show up on LinkedIn. 

Expect plenty of communication, straight talking advice, things delivered on time and feel the support of someone who cares about her client’s success.

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