Why Your About Page Isn’t About You

Why Your About Page isn't About You: Building Trust and Connection

Did you know that the second most visited page on your website is your About section?
Better make it a good one, hey?

When it comes to your website’s About page, don’t let the name fool you. It’s not all about you.

Instead, it’s a golden opportunity to build trust and establish a genuine connection with your audience.

So, let’s dive in and explore what needs to be on an about page to get your potential clients getting to yes sooner.

Share Your Story: Start the conversation

Let your audience in on what makes you tick. 

Tell them about the experiences and expertise that establish you as a reliable and relatable authority.
By delving into your own story, you help your potential clients get to know and what you’re about. 

People are curious, so want to know the human behind the brand and make a connection. 

When it comes to talking about yourself, think of it as uncovering your hero’s journey. You recognised a problem, felt a burning desire to fix it, and that’s what led you to where you are today.

Your origin story showcases why you want to make a difference

By sharing a compelling origin story, you not only engage your readers but establish yourself as someone who has faced challenges, overcome them, and is now dedicated to serving your audience.

Your story becomes a powerful tool for building trust and connecting with your readers on a deeper level.

Most people have a why they started story. You may not think it matters or is interesting, but potential customers love to read your back story.  They can relate to why you started, or appreciate your approach to business. You can read mine here.

Highlight Customer Success: Show customer wins

When people read your about page, they are in buying mode, so including social proof can help to get them over the line and into your inbox. 
Include a few of your favourite testimonials or include a case study that demonstrates the value you bring to the table, what it’s lke to work with you and how client’s feel about it. 
When people see that you’ve made others happy, they’re more likely to trust you.

Show Empathy: Let potential clients know you get them

To create a genuine connection, make sure you include copy that helps your potential clients know that you understand what’s going on for them. Address their pain points and challenges head-on. Let them know that you understand what they’re going through and that you’re the one to help them through it.

Reflect Your Values: Attract or Repel

Let your values shine through. Share your business ethos and what you stand for. Show how your principles translate into how you do business and show up. 
Values guide the way you do things and shine a light on what to expect when you work with you. 
Stay true to you and you’ll attract more of the clients you want to work with in, and less of the non-aligned clients you want to avoid!

People do business with like-minded people

Keep it Conversational: Be yourself

As professionals and business owners, we have a tendency to be perfectionists. Even more so when it’s our own story. So, whatever you do, don’t overthink it. You won’t be graded on your professional language and hoity toity words. 

Keep the language conversational and authentic. Make your audience feel like they’re having a genuine conversation with you. This approach humanises your brand and helps visitors relate to you.

Visual Appeal: A picture is worth a thousand words

Don’t underestimate the power of visuals. Incorporate images of yourself or your team to add a personal touch. Include visuals that represent your brand’s identity and values. Visual elements enhance the overall experience and make your About page more engaging.

And even better if your images show a story of transformation – here’s me when I started, compared to here’s our new warehouse, office etc.

Call-to-Action: Guide them on their journey

Don’t leave your visitors hanging. Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) that guides them to take the next step. Whether it’s exploring your products, subscribing to your newsletter, or getting in touch, make it easy for them to know what to do next – include a link to a freebie or a call/book option. 

Keep it Fresh: Update and stay relevant

Your About page shouldn’t gather dust. Regularly update it to reflect your business’s growth and evolution. This shows that you’re actively involved and invested in your brand. An up-to-date About page keeps visitors interested and coming back for more.

The About page is a valuable opportunity to build trust, establish a connection, and showcase the value you bring to your audience.


Remember, it’s not just about you; it’s about crafting a story that resonates with your readers and demonstrates your understanding of their needs and desires.

Your About Page’s job is to be relatable and inspire trust in your expertise

By sharing your journey, highlighting customer success, showing empathy, and reflecting on your values, you can create an About page that engages your audience.

Remember to keep your About page conversational and make it visually interesting.  Don’t forget to include a clear call-to-action, guiding visitors towards the next step in their journey with you. And always keep your About page up to date, reflecting the growth and evolution of your business.

By following these strategies and embracing the power of storytelling, you’ll transform your About page from a mere biography into a compelling tool for building trust, connecting with your audience, and ultimately fostering long-lasting relationships with your customers.

So go ahead, and craft an About page that truly represents your brand, engages your audience, and sets the stage for a successful and fulfilling journey together.

Need help?
Book in a brand story session.

BONUS: 10 Questions to kick start your About Page story

Now, let’s explore some questions to help you bring out your story and create a compelling About page:

  1. What led you to start your business?
  2. What challenges or obstacles did you face along the way, and how did you overcome them?
  3. How has your expertise or experience evolved over time?
  4. Can you share a specific success story or accomplishment that highlights the value you provide to your customers? (collect your testimonials)
  5. What sets your business apart from competitors in your industry?
  6. How do you empathise with your audience’s pain points and address their needs?
  7. What are your core values and how do they influence your approach to serving your customers?
  8. How do you ensure the quality and reliability of your products or services?
  9. What are some notable milestones or achievements in your business journey?
  10. How do you engage with your audience and build a community around your brand?
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About the Author

Rebecca Cofrancesco is an experienced marketing strategist and content creator.

She works with professional services brands and offers freelance services without the overhead of a full-time employee.



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